How to Handle Separation Anxiety

How to Handle Separation Anxiety

As we begin a new school year this week, the question I will get asked most is, “when will my child stop crying at drop off?” 

It is very difficult as a parent to hear your child cry, but separation anxiety is a normal part of a child’s development.  In fact, it actually “indicates that a healthy attachment has bonded a caregiver and child,” as explained in the “The Best Ways to Handle Kid’s Separation Anxiety Isn’t What You Think” article. This article outlines some strategies that parents can try to help ease the level of anxiety experienced by children as they begin school or preschool.

The second article “Don’t Leave Me! Best Books for Easing Kids’ Separation Anxiety” provides a wonderful list of books that parents can read with their children to ease the level of anxiety as well.  I hope you enjoy reading these two articles and that they provide useful information on how to tackle the challenges of parenting and separation anxiety!! This again is one of the many challenges that parents, and teachers will face as a new school year begins…happy reading!!


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